We’ve made a habit of hiking every Wednesday. We’ve gotten so good at it that I even coined a hashtag to connect our #HikeOnHumpDay with social circles and other outdoor families. Wouldn’t you know thatContinue reading
Category: Women
My tips & tricks for being a woman on planet Earth.
4 Benefits of Traveling & Bunking with Other Families
Camp Cook Chronicles – Traveling & Bunking with other Families We’re crazy lucky to be friends with some amazing families who enjoy traveling & outdoor adventures as much as we do. In fact, as I’mContinue reading
My life like the river
Life on planet earth is like a river flowing free. We carry on sometimes as a trickle, sometimes as Rapids… often gentle movement & other times, raging floodwaters. We can be crystal clear like theContinue reading
Moms — How do YOU do it??
Fellow mom and blogger, Maria Smith, poses this question after offering an intimate view of her life as mom, “How do YOU do it?” She explains that she sees moms making forts, getting dirty with theContinue reading
Val’s Georgia, an outdoor enthusiast’s adventures in Georgia
For the month of July, I’m featuring some great Georgia bloggers. In celebration of her returning home after a months-long road trip, I’m starting with Val in Real Life. Val has become a good friendContinue reading
The Liebster Award Comes Down to Georgia!
The fantastic couple behind the ultimate bucket list road trip blog, 59 National Parks, has graciously tagged me with The Liebster Award. To steal the explanation from their website, The Liebster Award is a Blogstöcken (Blogstöcken translatedContinue reading
Adventurous, Cautious or Fearful: This Life is For You!
So, you’ve got this idea of something you want in life. Maybe it’s to be a book author, or a traveler, or complete a bucket list. I don’t know what it is. I also didn’tContinue reading
Road Tripping With Kids: @ValInRealLife Cutting Costs on The Road
Welcome back to Road Tripping with Kids 101 for video two, in which Val discusses Cutting Costs on the Road. For those of you who don’t know her. Val Joiner is the driving force behind ValInRealLife.com,Continue reading
Road Tripping With Kids: @ValInRealLife Interview Pt One
For those of you who don’t know her. Val Joiner is the driving force behind ValInRealLife.com, a family travel & outdoor enthusiast blog. She has successfully made several cross-country road trips with her two sonsContinue reading