I spent this past weekend with a group of about 40 women at Georgia’s annual “Becoming an Outdoors Woman” workshop. The workshop is three days of outdoor recreation education. BOW is an experience like no other.Continue reading
Tag: Outdoor Skills
Becoming an Outdoors Woman thanks to Georgia DNR.
I’m excited (and a bit nervous) for next weekend. I’ll be away from home for a three-day workshop organized by Georgia DNR. “Becoming an Outdoors Woman,” is an annual program that invites women to Charlie ElliottContinue reading
Go Fishing on Free Fishing Day! Jun 7, 2014 #SouthernSummerFun
[section_title title=Free Fishing Day in the Southeast USA] Hi y’all! I’m writing from St Augustine, Florida to keep you updated on all the cool #SouthernSummerFun. It just so happens that this is National Fishing &Continue reading