Here, I have compiled some of the best places on the ‘net to find free Kindle books. These sites each have their own methods from keyword searching, genre browsing or email delivery! So, check them out and discover which method works best to provide you with the books you want!
1. Today’s Kindle Freebies for Learning – This is one of my pinterest boards. I don’t scour the net for my picks. But, I do browse every day and pin the best books for learning about things (along with some fiction books that sound neat). The picks include books geared toward children as well as adults. I’ll tell you which day it was listed as free and delete old books from the board once a week. Learn something new everyday!
[alpine-phototile-for-pinterest src=”board” uid=”heehawlife” board=”todays-kindle-freebies-for-learning” imgl=”pinterest” dl=”1″ dlstyle=”medium” style=”rift” row=”4″ size=”192″ num=”8″ border=”1″ max=”100″ nocredit=”1″]
2. EReaderIQ is one of my favorite book finding websites. The search tools and genre categorization make it simple and quick to find the freshest free kindle books. If you spend a few moments browsing your favorite genre, every morning, you’ll never run out of interesting books to read. This link will take you straight to the freebies page!
Click here to find free books at eReaderIQ
3. Freebook Sifter is a simple, straightforward resource for sifting through over 41,000 free electronic books. Search, browse genres, or just take a look at the most recently added books. One thing’s for sure, you will find something to feast your eyes on.
Click here to find free books at Freebook Sifter
4. provides links and info to download the latest free books by independent authors and publishers. Find books using search or browse the various genres.
Click here to find free books using DigiLibraries
5. – Borrow and Lend Kindle Books for Free. This site matches lenders and borrowers through Amazon’s book lending capabilities.
Click here to find books to borrow (or lend your own books) on
6. Project Gutenberg offers over 42,000 free ebooks: choose among free epub books, free kindle books, download them or read them online. We carry high quality ebooks: All our ebooks were previously published by bona fide publishers. We digitized and diligently proofread them with the help of thousands of volunteers.
Click here to find free books on Project Gutenburg
7. Pixel of Ink is a bloggish sort of book hunter. You can read the blog to get their picks of the best new free books available at Amazon Store.
Click here to find free books using PixelofInk
8. Kindle Store › Limited-Time Offers – The Amazon Kindle store lists many currently free books on the Limited Time Offers page right on
Click here to find free books on the Kindle Store Limited Time Offers page
9. Best Sellers in Kindle eBooks – Another resource, provided by Amazon Kindle Store, is the Best Sellers Top 100 Free Books list. Check that out once in a while and see if you’ve missed something excellent!
Click here to find free books on the Kindle Store’s Top 100 Free Books list
10. BookBub makes finding new and free kindle books as simple as checking your email. Fill out a preferences form to specify which genres you like and BookBub will send you emails when corresponding titles are available for free.
Click here to receive free book notices in your email courtesy of BookBub.
And, last but not least… If your local library has a subscription with OverDrive, you could be borrowing books from them. Visit your local library to find out.. Or visit to see what the fuss is about.
Do you know of a great site to find free Kindle books? Please let us know in the comments.