I’ve been compiling pins to help us all have a No Bummer Summer! I’ve got several boards and you can follow them all! Southern Summer Bucket List The best fun the south has to offerContinue reading
Category: Alabama
Go Fishing on Free Fishing Day! Jun 7, 2014 #SouthernSummerFun
[section_title title=Free Fishing Day in the Southeast USA] Hi y’all! I’m writing from St Augustine, Florida to keep you updated on all the cool #SouthernSummerFun. It just so happens that this is National Fishing &Continue reading
Dollar Movies at Theaters for Kids around the South
Hi! It’s Candy adding more stuff to the Southern Summer Bucket List so you can have loads of #SouthernSummerFun! As a southerner, I know how important it is to have at least a small collectionContinue reading
Free Admission to 125 Museums Around the South
A collection of Free Museums Around The South including the states of Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee, and South Carolina. A note about the map: The Locations marked with green pointers are always free. The locations markedContinue reading