See my awesome Stanley vacuum bottle & that mug? Grab a cup of coffee, and listen carefully about the best gifts ever. My dad. What can I say? He exemplifies many of the things I appreciateContinue reading
Category: Gear Guide
Bringing my own bag actually makes my life better
It’s really surprising, sometimes, the simple little things that can make our lives easier. For example, the throwaway plastic shopping bags we use at stores. You’d think they exist to make life easier and more convenient.Continue reading
4 things I love about a tent that attaches to our SUV
In February, we camped in our new Sportz SUV Tent from Napier Outdoors. We’re on a mission to camp every month, this year. So, you’ll be seeing a lot more of this unique tent. ExcitedContinue reading
Gear Guide: Teton Sports Oasis1200 Hydration Backpack
Over the summer, we definitely stepped up our hiking game. We’ve been hiking with more regularity and discovering many new places to hike around our local area. We already take turns carrying a 3 liter hydration packContinue reading
Gear Guide: Kinemaster Video Editing App for Android
KineMaster is a sleek video editing app that I used to create a quick video for #HikeOnHumpDay. It was fast, easy and best of all–a complete, professional video editor that goes with me everywhere IContinue reading