Fellow mom and blogger, Maria Smith, poses this question after offering an intimate view of her life as mom, “How do YOU do it?” She explains that she sees moms making forts, getting dirty with theContinue reading
Tag: Parenting
Leaving the nest! A story about moms & children, illustrated by birds.
This morning was overcast and windy. The trees were dripping with the remnants of last night’s storms. I was on my front porch, tending to some of my garden babies who happen to still beContinue reading
He’s not shy, upset or left out. 5 tips for parents of introverts
I have two sons and, taking after their momma, they both show tendencies toward introversion. Introversion simply means they need time to themselves to recharge. They like to move away from others in order toContinue reading
I don’t know what my child learned, today.
Today, we set off with Georgia Family Explorers on a hike at Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield Park. It’s a typical day for us doing what we love. This time, exploring nature in the great outdoors.Continue reading
The Homeschool Happy – March 23, 2014
The Homeschool Happy is an irregularly scheduled program, here on Long Live Learning. It’s a collection of my own favorite findings from the past day, week, maybe even month. It’s irregular, because it’s homeschool!Continue reading
The Homeschool Happy – March 16, 2014
The Homeschool Happy is an irregularly scheduled program, here on Long Live Learning. It’s a collection of my own favorite findings from the past day, week, maybe even month. It’s irregular, because it’s homeschool! IContinue reading