My sons have been in the garden since they were just crawling around in diapers as Grandma harvested tomatoes. I, myself, have been gardening since they were born. Anyone who knows me knows I’m all about Grow Food Not Lawns and every year I plan a bigger garden than I can handle. You can’t possibly NOT learn by having a garden. You are definitely going to learn things. But, it doesn’t hurt to have some extra knowledge up your sleeve to dish out when the times are right. Here’s a round up of some cool Kids in the Garden activities.
1. Dig, Plant Grow :: Available from, this is a free downloadable guide to creating your own garden curriculum. It may teach you a thing or two!
2. Garden Science Blog :: Gardening meets science meets adventure in this supercharged blog featuring plants and plant experiments
3. Easy Science Experiments Featuring Seed Starting :: Starting seeds and plants indoors is a good idea, especially for the kids’ garden. It starts the season and the kids can get a good grasp on germination and plant needs.
4. Free Garden Science Exploration Units :: Garden themed exploration units for elementary age children
5. Grow a Historical Herb Garden :: Here’s a way to make history both interesting and relevant. Design a garden using plants that were used by people in colonial times.
Find more garden activities with kids on my pinterest board!
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EXCELLENT, excellent, excellent! I need this (and yes, we still haven’t started our vegetables).
This is so awesome. Thank you! Definitely sharing this!
You are so welcome! I haven’t started many of my plants, either. But, my son and I have done a little seed starting. 🙂 I love to keep up with the gardens of other folks. Please come back and share yours.