Junior Ranger Programs in National & State Parks around the South

[section_title title=South Carolina Junior Ranger Program]

South Carolina State Parks Junior Ranger Program

There are 22 state parks participating in the South Carolina Jr Ranger program. The official website states a great mission:

In the Junior Ranger Program you can do lots of neat things in the safety of your State Parks. As a Junior Ranger, you will have access to special programs and prizes. You even get a real Junior Ranger BADGE! With each level you complete, you will get different gifts and certificates.

I couldn’t find any listed camps or special events. But, maybe there only available to registered and official Junior Rangers 😉 At any rate, check out the program’s website for more info on the participating parks and how to get started.


Choose the State Park system that you’re interested in and discover more about their amazing Junior Ranger Programs: National | Georgia | Florida | North Carolina | South Carolina | Tennessee


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